DELF exam preparation
Distance learning to prepare for the DELF B1 and B2 exams

Aim of the course

The aim of this course is to give you a good understanding of the exam, how it works and what is expected of you.

All the teachers on this course are perfectly familiar with each of the tests for the different diplomas and will be able to answer any questions you may have.

The aim of this preparation course is to work on oral and written strategies, methodology and instructions. It’s also a unique opportunity to try out real exam subjects! Throughout the course, your teacher will give you personalised advice to help you improve your results.

The course includes a one-to-one session to prepare for the Oral Production section.

For a more complete and personalised preparation, you can contact us to organise private lessons.

DELF B1 preparation

Distance learning
130 Session November 2024
  • Total duration: 6 hours
  • 3 group sessions: CO/CE/PE (Thursdays 7, 14 and 21 November at 5pm)
  • 1 individual session: PO (date and time to suit you)

DELF B2 preparation

Distance learning
160 Session November 2024
  • Total duration: 7 hours
  • 3 group sessions: CO/CE/PE (Fridays 8, 15 and 22 November at 5pm)
  • 1 individual session: PO (date and time to suit you)