TCF Tout Public

The TCF (French knowledge test) is a language test by the french Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The global level and skills in french are evaluated for foreign people.
The TCF TP evaluates french skills for personal, academic or professional reasons. This exam is composed of 3 distinct papers:
- Mandatory papers: Written and oral expression, language skills and structure
- Supplementary paper: oral expression
- Supplementary paper: written expression
Delivered certificates are valid for two years after obtention.
If you do not feel ready for the exam or simply wish to know more about the exam, we propose preparation courses for the exam.
Mandatory papers only
Enrolment for the mandatory papers of the TCF TP exam
One supplementary paper
Enrolment for the mandatory papers of the TCF TP exam
Supplementary paper: Written OR oral expression
Enrolment for the mandatory papers of the TCF TP exam
Oral expression
Written expression
A 2h preparation is also possible for the TCF TP (Cost: 40€).
Enrolment form:
Please note: your registration will only be taken into account once payment has been received, provided it is made before the registration deadline.